Violin – Tadeusz Mocarski
Music from Radom and Opoczno regions.
Host: Tadeusz Mocarski, co-host: Mateusz Niwiński
The workshop is addressed to intermediate and advanced-level violin players. Condition for participation is proficiency in bowing plus bringing one’s own instrument.
Tadeusz Mocarski, b. 1933 in Brzezinki-Huta village, wedding fiddler. His workshop is focused on mazurka-style melodies from Gielniowo (the borderland of Radom and Opoczno regions), drawn from his own repertoire. The learning is based on listening.
Centrum Promocji Kultury (Centre of Cutural Promotion), address: Podskarbińska 2
Workshop fees: Each entry is 10 PLN. Tickets are available at the festival information desk in the main lobby of Centrum Promocji Kultury, address: Podskarbińska 2
No enrolment in advance is necessary.