The Lipiecs Band

One of the most respected bands of Radom region – region known to be rich in folk musicians. The band includes two cousins: accordionist Tadeusz Lipiec (born in 1944) and bereban drummer Marian Lipiec (born in 1958). The conservatism of Radom region inhabitants, which is also extended on music, has greatly influenced the repertoire of the musicians, while easy access to musical masters offered them the opportunity to have a peak at the best techniques. Their first role model was a member of their family, accordionist Marian Lipiec (born in 1937) from whom they took over large part of their songs.
The band was twice winner of the second place at the Festival of Folk Bands and Singers in Kazimierz Dolny in 2012 and 2016. They also got first prize of the Powiślaki Competition in 2013 and 2016. And in 2015 they got the Gold Bass award at that same competition. Presently they play with violinist Michał Kapturski.
Fot. Mariusz Cieszewski